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How it started.

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The Political Conversation:

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My Thanks to the Internet

I have been using free training and free downloads from the internet for many years. Most of it has been really valuable stuff (and legal as well).

- Free Office suites, like LibreOffice and OpenOffice, which are different, but highly compatible with their Microsoft counterparts. They have freed me from MSOffice.
- Free Operating systems like Ubuntu and the other "flavors" of Linux, which have freed me from Windows. I find them to be as good or better than Windows, and much less obtrusive.
- Free security suites that rival the best of the paid systems.
- Free instructions to improve other facets of computer security
- Examples for thousands of scripts and a multitude of free software, including some of the best audio and video editors and creators.

After learning how to build and (hopefully) secure my own web site, without the aid of any commercial software, I decided to share some of what I have learned and produced for my own use.

Below are links to my pages that contain what I feel might be of use to others:

Apache - Make Detailed Directory Listings with Descriptions (Updated August 3, 2021)

Creating a properly formatted .htaccess description of all the files in a directory, or multiple directories using Apache's "FancyIndex" feature is a tedious and difficult task. For that simple reason it is rarely done.

But now you can have your descriptive data easily formatted, and a description file created. A spreadsheet is used for data entry. It will add formatting codes so you can export an Apache2 fomated .htaccess description file.

The description file can be appended to your .htaccess file or it can be saved as a stand alone file. The stand alone file can be processed using bash scripts to include the duration and trailers for A/V files. The bash scripts then save index.html in two different sort orders and with download links. This leaves a clean .htaccess file.

Also included is a short sample of an .htaccess file showing how to restrict directory access to validated users only. Unvalidated users will only see "Unauthorized."
Design an Arch

Interactive Gothic and Roman Arches (Preview your arch on a picture of your site)
(This page is also portable for off-line use.
A bash script to set the brightness [gamma value] of a monitor using a Linux terminal's "X11 Windowing System

Monitor's brightness can be set using either interactive mode or parameter mode.
Squirrel and Deer Proof Bird Feeder

Download Plans

At 14 feet high the deer can't reach it, and squirrels and racoons can't climb past the cone barrier. Just crank the filled feeder to the top and watch your birds eat.

Normally, you couldn't reach that high to perform repairs that always seem to be needed. The mast of the feeder is designed to be easily lowered to the ground, and raised up after repairs are made. Common plumbing parts are used to make service a snap.
Bird Feeder
Homemade Chatterbox Sprinkler Valve Locator

Download Plans

If you have an in-ground sprinkler system you know that it can be almost impossible to locate the sprinkler valves that have become overgrown and buried. Here is how to build a simple device that makes the valves emit a clicking sound to easily find them.
Gambling Records Spreadsheet

Do you need to keep a record of your gambling winnings and losses for the tax man. Here is a spreadsheet that will keep that record.
Lumber Needs Calculator

Do you find it hard to determine how much of what size lumber to buy for a project? Try this spreadsheet.
Universal Calendar

Enter any year and get a calendar for that year. One month for each printed page, and you can make entries for posterity.
Age and Speed Calculator

Find the elapsed time between any two dates and times, down to the second.
Calculate speed based on time and number of feet traveled.
Ubuntu 18.04 Utilities

Some handy Ubuntu hints to help with your new operating system.
Download a Bird Video for Cats to Watch

Careful, my cat almost went through the screen!